Our method

Our method

Company valuation process
more technological.

ValuingTools is a Fintech specialized in valuing companies and complementary services:
M&A, Financial Advisory, Purchase and Sale of Companies.

Using innovation and cutting-edge technology, ValuingTools automates the entire company valuation process. Quickly and intuitively you can find out the real value of your company. An innovative service in terms of speed and cost, without compromising on rigor and professionalism.

Step 1


Find out the customer’s needs and how the valuation report will be useful in achieving your final objective, be it sales or another purpose.

Step 2
2. Pedido de Elementos-a

Ordering elements

Request from the client all the accounting information necessary to begin a preliminary analysis.

Step 3
3. Reunião Inicial-a

Kickoff meeting

Meet with the client and, together with the preliminary analysis previously carried out, validate some assumptions and collect others necessary for the execution of the project.

Step 4
4. Execução-a


Preparation of the exercise and report. Impartial review by another team member who questions the valuation and final review of the report by a third member.

Step 5
5. Entrega-a


Meeting and delivery of the final valuation report.

Step 6
6. Acompanhamento-a


Clarify any doubts that may exist later about the exercise carried out and check, after a few months, whether it will make sense to carry out a new exercise with new assumptions.

Step 1
1. Avaliação-a


Market valuation of the company seeking advice.

Step 2
2. Parecer-a


Advise the customer on the right time to sell the company and what areas need to be improved.

Step 3
3. Assinatura do Mandato-a

Mandate Signing

If the opinion is positive from our team, proceed with the terms of the consultancy and define the company’s sales strategy.

Step 4
4. Criação de Dossier Técnico e de Marketing-a

Creation of Technical and Marketing Dossier

Creation of the marketing dossier that will contain all the essential information about the investment opportunity.

Step 5
5. Pesquisa de Investidores-a

Investor Research

Procurar potenciais interessados qualificados.

Step 6
6. Negociação dos Termos-a

Negotiation of Terms

Negotiate the terms of the transaction through a letter of intent or NBO.

Step 7
7. Due Diligence-a

Due Diligence

Reserve a time window so that the buyer can complete their Due Diligence process.

Step 8
8. Fecho do Negócio-a

Business Closing

Close the deal, including potential adjustments resulting from Due Diligence.

Step 1
1. Avaliação-a


Clear 360º understanding of the business and industry, with the aim of determining its fair market value.

Step 2
2. Tese de investimento-a

Investment Thesis

Document that sets out the reasons why investors would be interested in acquiring the business.

Step 3
3. Marketing-a


Creation of a Memorandum with confidential data and Teaser with key information about the business.

Step 4
4. Contacto com investidores-a

Contact with Investors

Creating a shortlist of potential M&A investors with KYC.

Step 5
5. Negociações-a


Discussions with potential buyers regarding terms of an M&A transaction.

Step 6
6. Escritura-a


Final details and closing of the deal and respective M&A transaction.